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Donated a portion of sales for the development of the Bangladesh textile industry



HONG KONG NICCA CHEMICAL Co., Ltd. announced its participation in “the Textile Talent Hunt (TTH) 2019-20”, which is planned and operated by Textile Today, and donated funds to Bangladesh Textile Today, which publishes a comprehensive textile magazine. On November 24th, 2019, it concluded a MoU of understanding for joint activities.

TTH is a contest for selecting future leaders in the Bangladesh textile industry from 10 universities with textile departments. TTH will launch 100 projects that can transform the textile industry based on their research themes. In each project, partner factories and mentors will be assigned to develop human resources by repeating factory studies and practical training. The results of research and practical training are reviewed in the report, and those who have passed the review can proceed to Grand Finale, the final meeting to determine the champion. Grand Finale players and champions are each awarded scholarships.

In Bangladesh, the textile industry accounts for about 84% of the total export value and is regarded as a significant industry. For this reason, Bangladesh is focusing on the development of future leaders in order to achieve sustainable development of the textile industry.

In support of this project, the NICCA group concluded a MoU of understanding to contribute to the development of human resources for the textile industry in Bangladesh. NICCA group will continue to the sustainable development of the textile industry and Bangladesh by utilizing the experiences and solutions we have cultivated so far.

Please refer to the article on this initiative.  
For more information

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